(+91) 8777453242
(+91) 9903871612


  • To help and enable children in establishing or building their own organizations and to create enabling environment so that the children from all segments of the society can avail opportunity to be good citizens of India. To establish, take over, run and maintain schools or support the initiative of any individual or group or organization in promoting formal (primary and higher) education for children; construct, upgrade and maintain sanitation facilities especially in girls’ schools to improve the existing inadequate provisions and facilities.
  • To establish, maintain or support children´s initiatives ( initiatives taken by the children themselves), a home or homes for orphans, handicapped/physically challenged, poor and exploited children (boys and girls), old age people, special centers for providing shelter to women and children in distress;
  • To provide financial or any other assistance towards relief and rehabilitation of the populace affected by calamities like cyclones, earthquakes, epidemics, fire, famine, floods, war, riots etc.
  • To help and support aged people (irrespective of origin, religion, caste, mother tongue/nationality etc.) with donations, rations, fooding, shelter, medical help etc.; to establish, take over, run and maintain old aged homes; or support the initiative of any individual or group or organization dedicated and focused for the welfare of the deserving elders of the society in India; also jointly organizing camps/events with philanthropic and voluntary organizations from India or abroad for the benefit of the deserving beneficiaries.
  • To help and support youth with diversified livelihood training and skills to empower them to explore various job opportunities; or avail various government financial projects/aid to become entrepreneurs or startups. To establish, take over, run and maintain educational and training organizations and set-up on ownership, rental or lease provision basis to consistently mobilize the initiative.